Upcoming Events

Gala Sponsors

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Construction Sponsors

Avanti Windows and Doors
ProChemical Soil Stabilization
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.

Merch Store

Thank you for visiting our Merch store.

At this time, we only have quantities of the following t-shirt to offer online.

We hope to add other items soon.

In person, we do have some items from previous sales.  Give us the size(s) you are interested in, and we can check our stock to let you know if there's anything available in your size.  Examples of what we have are: a couple of sweatshirts, a few long sleeve t-shirts, a different version of the short sleeve t-shirt, some patches, and some baseball style caps. 

Item DescriptionPriceQty
Dark Olive Green
 Dark Olive Green T-shirt - Adult Men's Sizes
Note that we have two batches of the same style shirt. One batch came in a darker green.
$20.00Size: S 

Light Olive Green
 Light Olive Green T-shirt - Adult Men's Sizes
Note that we have two batches of the same style shirt. One batch came in a darker green.
$20.00Size: S 

Discontinued or small quantities
Tell us the size(s) you are interested in and we'll look thru our "low quantity" box and let you know if we have anything else in your size. Some of these items are discounted, but not all. We'll let you know the price.

 Small Quantity Merch Item
If you've sent us an inquiry about low quantity items and we've confirmed availability in your size(s), please pay for the item here.  Input the sales price quoted to you in our response. Please use one field for each item, and describe each item below.

Please give the size, color and description of the item you are purchasing.

 Small Quantity Merch Item
If you've sent us an inquiry about low quantity items and we've confirmed availability in your size(s), please pay for the item here.  Input the sales price quoted to you in our response. Please use one field for each item, and describe each item below.
Please give the size, color and description of the item you are purchasing.

 Small Quantity Merch Item
If you've sent us an inquiry about low quantity items and we've confirmed availability in your size(s), please pay for the item here.  Input the sales price quoted to you in our response. Please use one field for each item, and describe each item below.
Please give the size, color and description of the item you are purchasing.

 Small Quantity Merch Item
If you've sent us an inquiry about low quantity items and we've confirmed availability in your size(s), please pay for the item here.  Input the sales price quoted to you in our response. Please use one field for each item, and describe each item below.
Please give the size, color and description of the item you are purchasing.

 Shipping Fee for Merchandise
Flat $5 rate for your entire order. Please add this if we are shipping the merch to you. If you are picking it up, please ignore this field.
If this is a pick-up, please let us know when you would like to pick up and any other details we should know.

Contact Information

Only needed if we are shipping.

Anything you'd like us to know? Requests?